

Read Hussar! 2019
This website is managed by the Regimental Association with the approval of the Regimental trustees.
The views, comments and opinions expressed therein do not necessarily represent the views comments and opinions official or otherwise of the MOD, or The Royal Wessex Yeomanry Regiment.
RGH Items for sale available to order
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If you are interested in purchasing any items below,
please click on the button to email your enquiry:

SNCO Metal Badge - £14.00 plus p&p

Regimental Stable Belt - £17.00 plus p&p

RGH Plaque - £20.00 plus p&p

Car Window Sticker - 75p each + p&p

Pewter tankard with engraved RGH sipher - £90.00

Cloth Berret Badge - £9.00 plus p&p

100% Wool Regimental Ski Jumper - £65 plus p&p

100% Polyster Fleece - £16.00 plus p&p

Silk Regimental Tie - £20.00 plus p&p

Regimental Silk Bowtie -£22.00 plus p&p

Regimental Cards pack of 6 - £3.50 plus p&p

Postcard of the painting of the Guidon Presentation at Badminton House - 50p each + p&p

Regimental Cravat - £17.00 plus p&p

RGH Design Coaster - £1.75 plus p&p

RGH Design Placemat -
£3.50 plus p&p

RGH Design Magnet -
£1.50 plus p&p

RGH Design Mousemat - £4.00 plus p&p

RGH Band CD - £5.00 plus p&p

RGH Book "When We Were Young"
A collection of individual memories and experiences of those who served with Second Royal Gloucestershire Hussars - £10.00 plus P&P
All prices are current but subject to change.
All profits from items sold in this shop are going into an RGH Charity account for the benefit of our members in need.
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